
Fuckin’ Sale?

I saw a very interesting news clip:


Since I am not "subscribed" to that site, I could not leave a comment there - so I will post it here.

"I like this one!
Yet, after living for 33 years in Japan, I suspect, that this was NOT meant to be read as the English word "fucking", but rather an alphabetic rendition of the Japanese word "FUKU-IN" = good news, gospel. Selling "Fuku-in goods" around New Year is a Japanese custom. 

It's just that the Japanese still have (a lot of!!) trouble with anything written in Latin characters ..."

This is very true - I believe. 
And it naturally also applies to translation, since I OFTEN come across translation agencies and thus indirectly the original clients, that have very strange ideas about words.

And - unfortunately - this is also a major handicap in the field of my vocation = acupuncture.
Even there is an abundance of high quality material available in Japanese, that could make practitioners elsewhere in the world jump for joy, if it were available in English (or any other western language) ...
neither are the Japanese themselves interested in "making themselves heard", nor
are foreign publishers etc interested in Japanese materials (which seem to be considered "not the original Chinese"), because they probably won't sell.
Or, as one publisher put it: something written by a Japanese person and then translated into English (for example) will not be appealing to the English reading audience, because of the "different way of thinking".


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