
Again, Transperfect slavery

Again, Transperfect slavery offers:
On October 8, I received the following (removed details):
"Hi all,
How are you? Please excuse this blast email but this project requires some urgency. I'd like to introduce a new job to you that requires translation from EN>DE. It consists of 4 pdf files w/ approx 6500 new words. 
I can offer $390 for the translations and will need this back to me by 12PM EST Monday 10/11. If this doesn't work for you please let me know what will."

Although I do not feel being addressed at all, I did answer:
"Good morning
Wonderful 0.06 (quite worthless) USD per source word ... for a **RUSH** job ......
Where do the translators live, who can survive working for peanuts like that???"
The result was am "amazing" increase in the rate from 0.06 to 0.07 USD:
"Hi Thomas,
So sorry for the rate.  I would really appreciate your help for this project though.  Is there any way you can meet me at a rate of .07/word for this?  Let me know.  I would really like to work with you for this one."

Although I should have left this at it, I composed an answer.
Mainly because I do not like being considered a cheap unit of expendable labor:

"Good morning from Japan
Please don't tell me, that you are NOT aware, that the so-called "international standard rate" (even on Proz.com) would be something like 0.10-0.12 USD - NOT taking into account the rush job nature.
Even that rate is at least 35% below my normal rate. (you are offering me 30% of my usual pay ...)
Then, the USD is not worth anything these days. When I signed up with TP many years ago, it was something like 140-150 Yen to the USD.
Today it is 81 to the USD. But I have NEVER seen or heard any offer of compensation from TP. Funny, when the exchange rate changes, the next morning I have to pay different prices in the supermarket across the street ...

Apparently, the people at TP consider this kind of modern slavery normal.
I do not . I have to survive too and for that end I need to work for at least decent rates.
But I am sure you will have no problems at all finding someone among the approximately 300 English-German translators on your list (in the past one of your PM has been to clever as to make the list of mail addresses visible to ALL translators on that list - it is public knowledge now), who is just dying to work for peanuts.
Maybe people living in rural China or India won't have any problems with that.

In short: no thank you.
Please find someone else."

I am (always) under the firm impression, that companies like Transperfect exploit the situation, that the entire world can see their job offers and force translators into cheap labor - on which many ultimately cannot survive. What remains then, are the so-called "best offers" and people, like the Korean lady I wrote about before, who claims to be able to translate in "native quality". And the clients ...?? Do they not notice? Are not capable of telling the difference? Or maybe they just don't care ... and give s**t about quality ...
In any case the final victim will be the people, who are supposed to/have to read the translated material.

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