
Donation to Wikipedia

The other day I made a (small) donation to Wikipedia. (This is actually my second donation).

In a little questionnaire that followed was a little box, where I could write my reasons for donating.
Here is what I wrote there:

" Personally I support the idea of "free information for all" and think that it should be put forward, that knowledge (in general) should not be the "property" (copyrighted) of any single person/organization/company/country. Knowledge makes free. THAT is something this world really needs. Now more than ever."









The other day I offered my services to a certain translation agency. Although the "Japanese conditions" that go along my offer, and that I need to survive in Japan, almost always preclude any chance of getting any work from outside of Japan, these people actually DID get back to me and want to include me in their database.


Although this agency deals mainly with patents, I got the following:

"Thank you for sending your resume and clarifying your background. I would still like to add you to our resource network. Could I trouble you to complete the attached translator profile and send me two patent translation samples once your schedule allows?
I will send you our NDA once I reviewed your submission."

So, THEY want me to sign an NDA. Yet, they ask me to provide samples of my work, with has been done for companies (I do not translate patents for fun or as a pastime) with which I - naturally! - also signed NDSs.
I presume(d) they are aware that they were are asking me to violate those contracts!
And this from people specializing in law ...

When I pointed this out to them:
"I don't want you to violate any existing NDA's with your current customers.
I would appreciate if you could send me any patent translations samples that do not fall under existing NDA with your clients."

Well, THEY expect me to keep everything secret - for "security reasons".
How come they can assume, that other companies don't care and/or assign work without requiring their translators to sign NDAs? After all, we are talking about "intellectual property" = information that belongs to somebody.
I fail to see the rational behind that kind of thinking ...

By the way, this is an American agency.
I am tempted to say: "how American!"






時計が欲しければ "Made in China = 500 Yen" なら結構ですが、"Rolex" が欲しければ、それなりの値段(例えば100万円)になる。お客さんはそれを承諾している。

今時こそ - 経済が旨くいかない - そのようなイメージを作るべきだろうとおもう。
「いいものが欲しければ日本製じゃないとだめだ」 - そのようなイメージ。

だがそれは私の戯言/空想しかない ・・・


CAT tools ....

「内容 は、医療装置のマニュアルです。 医療装 置の取り扱いは、人の生 命に関係するために正確な情報が求められていります。
・・・ 正確な翻訳が求められております。弊社 は、トラドスを使って一貫性のある文脈での翻訳を行っております。」


私は「トラドス」を使いません。memoQ を使っています。
「トラ ドスを使って一貫性のある文脈での翻訳を行って・・・」それは時代のながれでしょうが、私個人の意見としてこの一貫性こそ危険を孕んでいる可能性あります。

一貫性」や「用語の統一」も大変結構ですが、そのような computer 世界から発生した思考パターンに余りにも囚われ過ぎてしまうと、どちらかと言うと生物の世界による fuzziness が失われてしまう可能性がある。人間はまだ完全にロボットになっていない内に左記のfuzziness=不正確さ=統一でない事が好む筈。

The chief virtue that language can have is clearness,
and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words.


stang-translations - beware of their payment practice

payment practice

In May I received a translation job from a German company (www.stang-translations.com)
while I attended some conferences in Europe.
First, that company wanted to a quote for a partial translation of 5 patents.
I gave them that quote (in Yen) and they ordered the partial translation.
After completing that translation I consulted them regarding the bill and as a result of that consultation sent them a bill, also in Yen according to the originally provided quote.

They DID accept that bill - no complaints at all - and immediately paid it.
Two weeks later, they contacted me, telling me the client was pleased with the work and would like to have a complete translation of said 5 patents - ca. 120 pages.
So, I started work - NATURALLY expecting to be paid the same rate.

AFTER completion of the work, they told me to send a bill over an amount 20% less than what they accepted as OK with the initial quote and first bill. This 20% less rate is based on THEIR rate from 3 years ago.
The fact, that the exchange rate has changed significantly apparently does NOT interest them at all.
THEY assert, THAT is the rate to be applied and a rate based on Yen has never (???) been agreed upon.
Funny!! My quote was in Yen and the bill they accepted in Yen too.

They NEVER responded to my request for the reason why they accepted that first bill.
It was their freely made decision - and I assume they simply did not check the bill / calculation.
But that is THEIR fault, isn't it?

Why do I have to pay for their mistake?

None of the sites I asked for legal advice good give me any such "advice".

Is this good business practice?
It looks much more like the Chinese style of business to me.

So, if ever asked, beware of above mentioned company - or else get a WRITTEN contract before starting to work. Better: get paid in advance!!!

特別注文 → 無論全て無料

翻訳会社から仕事の依頼が来る時頻繁 MS Excel, PowerPoint 等の Microsoft software files を上書きするのが注文だ。大半の場合キットお客さんがそれを提供して、お客さんがその方が「便利」だ。

先日も翻訳会社から凄く入り込んだMS Excel file を貰って、(ドイツ語で)上書きではなく、それぞれのセルの隣であったり、下であったりして書き込むように依頼された。余りにもグチャグチャしたものですので所謂CATにも使えなかった。このようなファイルでは「スペルチャック」が出来ない - 少なくともMicrosoft software では! - から、23点のスペルミス/ミスタイプが後に見つかった。翻訳会社に怒られ「えっ、スペルチェック行っていないの??」。その人に後で以下の類似の答えを送った。

Microsoft software で上記のファイルを翻訳して、 先ずExcel ないでドイツ語のスペルチャックができないから、該当する箇所を一々別のソフト - この場合当然日本語版のWordでもドイツ語スペルチャックができないから - にコピーをして、そこでスペルチャックをして、又戻す。ファイルは入り込んだため、コピー作業は一括ではなく、多数の操作を永遠に繰り返さないといけない。スペルチャック後又その逆の作業。他のメーカーのソフトを使ってチェックしたものを再びExcelに戻す時、内容が狂う事もある。

私の仕事は本来 = 翻訳 = ある言語を他の言語に写し返す。レイアウトや複雑なファイル操作ではない。そして翻訳会社は例外なくその ***特別注文*** な仕事は ***当然*** 翻訳者が無料でやると期待している。
最終的上記の仕事後前記の大量の無駄で無料の仕事を行わなかった事によって penality が課せられた。損のダブルパンチ。そうやって損ばかりするともうこの仕事を止めようかとも思ってしまう・・・


私は翻訳し始めた頃の間もないで WordPerfect と言う英文ワープロ(後にMS Office のようなスイートになった)を見つけた。当時8 bit computer、FDD2基があって、HDD は未だなかった。MSDOS3.0.
それでもWP - 本来英語のOSで作動するように作られたのに日本語のMSDOSで動いた! - は約30カ国のス ペルチェックがあった。最初は別売りであったが、その後ソフト本体に含まれた。

これを20年余り愛用していた。残念ながら最新のバージョンになってから(ど うやら日本語のOSがいけないようだ)肝心なスペルチェックに問題が発生したので、今はその重要な機能使えないから このソフトを諦めた。

Microsoft software に関してアメリカの third party "proofing tools" はあるが、多いに問 題もある:
1) アメリカ製で日本のOSで作動するかどうかが不明。日本のMicrosoft に問い合わせたら、アメリカの会社に聞け、と言われ、アメリカの会社に電話して、日本のMicrosoft に聞け言われた。
2) 私は未だ使っているWord2003は古すぎているので、例のツールが販売中止(あ れば約1万円)
3) Excel 内で作動するか=不明。

ドイツ語のみであればドイツの Duden Verlag が出している最高/最強のスペル チェックカーがあるけれども、

しと言えば以前頂いたドイツ語版の MS Word をインストールした事もある。
それをインストールしたと同時にそこまで入っていた 日本語版 MS Office は全て削除された。
"Make it impossible - with Microsoft" ... とは言いたくなる。

そこで Microsoft products が常に問題を起こすから、数年前から少しずつ  Open Source Software = OpenOffice -> LibreOffice を使うようになった。Open Source ですから=無料。
http://www.libreoffice.org/ (私は此方の方が好き)
このソフトも幾つかの問題が抱えて、決してそれを「熟知」しているわ けではないが、ス ペルチェックカーは多分50-60各国語あると思う。UIは最 初から日本語を使ったりして、英語、ドイツ語・・・ お好み。
同一ドキュメント中に複数の言語が混在しても、自動切換えでスペルチェックが 出来る (WordPerfect もそうだった)。表計算ソフトなどにも同じように使える。

大体 MS Office と「互換性」がある。私は現在例えばPPTを 持っていないが、 そのようなファイルは LibreOfficeの Impress で読む。

OSも Windows -> Linux と考えているが、後者に関して(現在一番の問題は辞書 類)は未だ分からない事があるので、保留中。
Microsoft は中国と一緒で世界制覇を目指して、世界中のユーザーを「強制」 (今回の仕事もその例:どうしても MS Excel で。。。)使用としていることは 余り好きではない。

そもそもExcel は(表)***計算***ソフト。計算に使われ るソフト。
従って「文章を書く」と言う作業に適していない。そのためMS専用の 道具が開発された:ワード=ワープロソフト。
やるべき仕事に適した道具を使う問題はここにある。文字が開発されて以来から 「文章を書く」行為は様々な文明で色々な専門道具で行われていた:のみ、筆、鉛筆、万年筆など。
文章を一旦書いて、出来上がった文を後に計算やプレゼンテーションソフトで 「アレンジ」するのは妥当でしょう。
しかし、最初の段階から計算ソフト - しかもスペルチェックが出来ないもの  - で文章を書くのは今の政治家が好むような言葉=混合同断でしょう。

少なくとも私は個人的にそう思う ・・・
(quote): One of my grandfather's favorite sayings was“Use the right tool for the job”
―common-sense advice that applies to a wide range of situations.
Unfortunately, as Mark Twain observed, common sense isn't very common!


Need for accurate information

Information: a subject brought to the world's attention with painful
urgency through the recent Japanese nuclear accident.
Everybody is looking for clear, accurate, timely and honest information.
Yet neither the Japanese government nor TEPCO provides this information.
That makes just about everybody on the planet mad.
The difference between the nuclear disaster and oriental medicine: there
is no NEED to provide any such information pertaining to oriental medicine.
Yet the lack thereof may nevertheless cause long-lasting damage. (I refrain here from giving examples related to oriental medicine in a desperate attempt at NOT offending certain people (and I believe, I do not have to discuss the attitude of the Chinese towards information!), but …)

A general example.
In Germany many (most) people are familiar with "Fujiyama" (Mt. Fuji),
but nobody knows "Fujisan" (which is the proper way the Japanese call
this mountain).
One of THE representative Japanese-German dictionaries available lists
also "Fujiyama".
(Even the American government has it:

A mistake introduced many decades ago by someone apparently not familiar
with Japanese (characters). Again, the "san" in "Fujisan" stems from the
character for mountain, but here again somebody with VERY incomplete
knowledge of Japanese interpreted this as meaning "Mr. or Mrs.", which
is also read "san" in Japanese.)

When even general information (which should maybe considered common
sense (?)) is full of mistakes, misunderstandings etc., imagine the
situation in a field as complex as oriental medicine.


"one body"

This morning again there were lots of news about the earthquake.
Somewhere (I think it was CNN) it said, "the Japanese call their mutual cooperation in efforts to overcome the disaster 「一体」 which was translated as "one body".

That sounds very strange to me.

How about "unity" .....


lack of tact!

* Somebody said, I should not bash Proz. since this was probably an automated message.
Well, I did have direct communication with the lady in question several times. So, when I received the below cited message, "signed" by that lady, I DID assume, that this messages DID come from that lady and not some computer ... Or am I again too stupid to look out of the window?

The other day I issued a Proz "support ticket", because I got one of their promotion messages.
Probably I am crazy, uneducated and do not see, what is really important. but that message really did upset me.

astonishing lack of tact!
Today, again, I get a "reminder" of special deals for a membership fee. The person sending me this KNOWS that I live in Japan. I find this an act of unbelievable lack of tact!
How about GIVING some money for the people in need, instead of ASKING people living next door to a TRIPPLE disaster area for money!!!!!!
Henry DID live in Japan before. I would like to know what he thinks of this kind of "promotion".
original message (partial)
Dear Thomas Blasejewicz,
This is a courtesy reminder to let you know that the special membership offer sent to you on 10 March will expire today, Wednesday, March 16th.
1. A full year of membership at ProZ.com, the world's largest community of language professionals and the number one source of new clients for translators and interpreters, at a specially discounted price. ........
Happy translating,
Florencia Vita

My response:
Good evening from Japan
I assume you do not watch the news.
Living "next door" to the place(s) you see on the news, this is NOT the time and place to think about some fancy membership.
I find your mail insulting, to put it midly.

Instead of asking for money - how Proz donates some to the thousands of people who spend the night today too on the floor of
very "make shift" shelters in a region where it currently snows, if lucky with one blanket, no fuel for stoves, no electricy, no water,
very little if any food, no medication ...

Or is this all of no concern to you as long as Proz can harvest its slave market?

Thomas Blasejewicz

The response from Proz.

Mar 17 00:37 (3 hours, 8 mins since ticket submitted)
A membership is a working tool
Dear Mr. Blasejewicz,
A membership is a working tool, and the terrible tragedy affecting Japan would not be a valid reason for keeping working tools and opportunities away from local translators.

Alejandro Cavalitto
ProZ.com Staff


I guess that means: I am complaining to much.
Thank you Proz.

(a previous investment in this "working tool" brought exactly 0% return profit)


Proz slave market activities

Today I got a "job offer" through Proz.com  --  a site which I cannot help but consider to be a sort of slave market, where people offer jobs at unbelievably low rates - and some people actually respond to those job offers working for those rates:

"This job is from engineering/industrial domain.
Job Title: Surface Drilling Equipments
Number of Files to translate: 1 (Bilingual table, in .doc format)
Word Count: Total - 37741;
Translatable -29231 (rest is numerical values)
Estimated Deadline: 10 days from the day of handover.
Job cost: 600$US
Translators/Agencies may quote for translation/DTP separately or jointly."

That means 0.02 USD per word.

If I were to work for that company, the work itself would contribute to me and my family starving to death (in Japan!).

But I suppose there ARE people, who can work for that ...






The disintegration of language

The disintegration of language - demonstrated by a project manager of a translation agency.

* Forget about capitalization at sentence begin of of proper nouns.
* Forget about complete sentences.
* Speak "abbrevi-English" = gibberish.
* Not to speak of properly addressing the people spoken to or naming/signing by the author.
* Please - anybody - explain to me what exactly is gained by this disintegration of the language. Does it "look cool"? Not to me.
Does/did it save the author time because of all the missing things?
If it did so, what did the author do with that time?

Erich From put this into the wonderful following words:
Modern man thinks he loses something - time - when he does not do things quickly.
Yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains -- except kill it.

cited from a mail received:
>> hello!
I hope you are having a nice friday!
can you help with a new EN>DE translation job? this is about 2k words. could you finish by 8am est 1.30 SUN?

LMK if you can take this and I will send the files! if you need some extra time to finish I will try to accommodate.



先日 和英訳した所で「白衣」の言葉に関して質問がされました。
私は "white coat (robe)" を使ったが、アメリカ人がそれはアメリカでは普通(?)/頻繁に "lab coat" と称するそうだ。それはあるかもしれないが、私は(飽くまでも***個人的に***)その表現が好まない。それを切っ掛けにして「白衣」に関して一言を言いたい。



まして、上記の "lab coat" の場合は状況更に悪化する。"lab" = laboratory = 研究室/実験室の事だ。患者を出会える場所は実験室ではない!もし「治療室」にいる患者を実験室にいるハムスターと取り違える人がいましたら、今一度反省して欲しい。

上記の訳で私は通常の辞書にも使われる、常識と信念にあった "white coat/robe" をお勧めするし、"lab coat" を使う人に再度考えて頂く事を促したい・・・


白衣(はくい、White Coat)は、業務等において着用する主に白色または淡色の外衣のことである。
ドイツ語では「Laborkittel」英語でも「Lab. coat」と呼ばれる。また、黒い白衣(Schwarzes Laborkittel)はドイツにおける伝統的な死刑執行人の服装である。
see also the English entry:

はくい 白衣 = a white robe [dress]
〈医者などの〉 a white coat [apron]
白衣の天使 = an angel in white, a nurse.
白衣高血圧 = white coat hypertension

白衣 = white robe, (doctor's) white gown

lab coat - 実験用白衣
英語 → 日本語

lab coat    Laborkittel {m} [mantelartig]    
cloth. lab coat [coll.]    Labormantel {m}
medical scrubs [coll.]    Arztkittel {m}    
cloth. (doctor's) white coat    Arztkittel {m}

Substantive (5 of 5)
      lab coat [coll.]         der Arztkittel   
      lab coat [coll.]          der Kittel [ugs.]   - Laborkittel   
      lab coat [coll.]         der Kittel   - fuer Aerzte, Schwestern etc.   
      lab coat [coll.]         der Laborkittel   
      lab coat [coll.]          der Labormantel
(つまり:lab coat [coll.] ⇒ それは口語であって、更に上品の言葉は優先的に使われる(べき)でしょう。