
Translation … and politics

I do not know much about politics. And frankly, I do not want to know about all those dirty tricks, lies, intrigues …

Yet, due to comparatively recent events I have started to read online news from around the world in the languages I can understand. Based on that information I decided among other things, that

1) since Trump I do not work for American companies any more. (I have not had a single pleasant experience working for American companies over the last 30 years anyway. Obviously they consider foreign freelancers as a form of slave labor. I would like to see the 'white, male, American married with family freelance translator rejoicing when getting a job paying less than in India of the past)

2) I do NOT work under ANY conditions for Chinese companies (I believe, the reasons for this decision do not need to be explained any more by now).

I am sure, my decision and the little notice it gets does not change ANYTHING in this dirty world, but I still wanted to raise my tiny voice at least once.




1) The shop is close.
2) The shop is closed.

違いは最後の "d" だけです。大した事はないだろうと思う人が多いに違いないが、前者は「店は近い」。後者は「店が閉まっている」と言う意味です。「この連中は何も分からないね」と言われたら仕方ないでしょう。

日本語: 「太」と「犬」。画数も同じ、どちらの字にそれぞれ「点」は一個ずつ。その違いは左下か右上は。外国人に「だったらどうでもいいじゃないの」と言われたら、賛同する人はどれ位いるのでしょうか。手を挙げてみて下さい。
